Short Bio
Ali Abdollahi Gharbali is PhD candidate of electrical and computer
engineering program at Nova university of Lisbon. He is Also a researcher
at CA3-Computational Intelligence Research Group of UNINOVA.
He received his MSc degree in signal processing in 2008 from university
of Tabriz, Iran. His master thesis focus was on speech signal enhancement
using combinational adaptive filtering.
In PhD, he is using artificial intelligence techniques for biomedical
signal processing. Specifically, his PhD thesis is on the application
of deep learning techniques for efficient and reliable automatic
sleep stage classification.
Research Interests
- Polysomnographic (PSG) Signal Processing
- Sleep Classification
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Deep Learning
- Extreme Learning Machines (ELM)
Current Projects
Publications - Journal Publications:
- Najdi, S., Gharbali, A. A., & Fonseca, J. M. (2016). Feature Ranking and Rank Aggregation for Automatic Sleep Stage Classification: A Comparative Study. Submitted to BioMedical Engineering OnLine.
Publications - Conference Proceedings:
- Gharbali, A. A., Fonseca, J. M., Najdi, S., & Rezaii, T.
Y. (2016). Automatic EOG and EMG Artifact Removal Method for Sleep
Stage Classification. In Technological Innovation for Cyber-Physical
Systems (pp. 142150). Springer.
- Najdi, S., Gharbali, A. A., & Fonseca, J. M. (2016). A Comparison
of Feature Ranking and Rank Aggregation Techniques in Automatic
Sleep Stage Classification Based on Polysomnographic Signals.
In Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (pp. 230241).
- Mokryani, G., Haghifam, M.-R., Latafat, H., Aliparast, P., &
Abdollahy, A. (2010a). Detection of inrush current based on wavelet
transform and LVQ neural network. In IEEE PES T&D 2010 (pp.
15). IEEE.
- Mokryani, G., Haghifam, M.-R., Latafat, H., Aliparast, P., &
Abdollahy, A. (2010b). Detection of inrush current using S-Transform
and Probabilistic Neural Network. In IEEE PES T&D 2010 (pp.
16). IEEE.
- Mokryani, G., Haghifam, M.-R., Latafat, H., Aliparast, P., &
Abdollahy, A. (2009). Analysis of ferroresonance in a 20kV distribution
network. In 2009
- 2nd International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent
Transportation System (PEITS) (pp. 3135). IEEE.
- Abdollahy, A., Geravanchizadeh, M. (2008). Speech enhancement
using combinational adaptive filtering. In 2008 International
Symposium on Telecommunications (pp. 774777). IEEE.
- Geravanchizadeh, M., Abdollahy, A., Rastegarnia, A. (2008).
Using Convex Combination of Two Transversal Filters for Adaptive
Equalizer Application. In IEEE Conference on Signal Processing,
(WOSPA 2008).
- Geravanchizadeh, M., Karimi, S., Abdollahy, A. (2008). Improvement
of Comb Filter Efficiency Based on Fractional Delay Filters. In
IEEE Conference on Signal Processing, (WOSPA 2008).
- Abdollahy, A., Rastegarnia, A., Geravanchizadeh, M. (2008).
Using Combination of Two LMS Filters for Equalization Enhancement.
In International Conference of Electrical Engineering Azad University
of Najaf Abad.
- Abdollahy, A., Rastegarnia, A. (2007). Reducing Impulse Noise
in Image with Employing of RCM and CWM Filters. In International
Conference of Electrical Engineering Azad University of Najaf
- Rastegarnia, A., Yousefi, T., Abdollahy, A. (2007). Survey of
Cross-Layer Design in the Wireless Network, In Specialized Seminar
on Telecommunication Standard and Protocols.

Research Engineer
Edifício CTS/UNINOVA, Sala 1.4