Research Interests
- Automatic Extraction of Document Topics and related subjects;
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery;
- HCI (Human Computer Interaction), I believe that the approach to be taken when designing applications is to have direct input from the final users. Having the design of the interface modulated to their expectation.
- Software Design, Development and Life Cycle, I believe that the process of designing new software has to follow guidelines; these guidelines are of extreme importance.
Current Projects
Indexed by (Citations)
ISI Web of Science Database
Prototypes TOPIXTRACT is a language independent keyterm extractor from documents developed by Me in the framework of my MSC Thesis. For this purpose, it takes either words, or multi-words, or word prefixes (with fixed length 4 or 5 characters) as features to represent documents.Then uses 24 measures to identify feature importance for each document discimination.Results obtained may be evaluated by independent evaluators and their agreement is meaured usig Kappa statistics. Tf-idf and Chi-square based metrics have shown a higher precision.Word prefixes were used for dealing with highly inflected languages, and topic prefixes were just used as an aid for promoting words and multi-words as possible document topics.More information can be obtained in the paper:Luís Teixeira, Gabriel Lopes, and Rita A. Ribeiro, “Automatic Extraction of Document Topics,” in DoCEIS'11 - 2nd Edition of the Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, Costa da Caparica, Portugal, 2011, pp. 101–108.
Luís Teixeira, Gabriel Lopes, and Rita A. Ribeiro, “Automatic Extraction of Document Topics” in DoCEIS'11 - 2nd Edition of the Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, Costa da Caparica, Portugal, 2011, pp. 101–108.

Research and Development Team
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