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Duration: 36 months
Starting date: October 2007
Project Contact:
Rita Ribeiro
Miguel Gomes

Scientific Advisors:
Rita Ribeiro, André Moitinho, Tiago Simas

Technical Officer:
André Moitinho

Gaia - Portuguese Participation on DPAC
Project Summary
The Gaia mission objective is to create the largest and most precise three dimensional chart of our Galaxy by providing unprecedented positional and radial velocity measurements for about one billion stars in our Galaxy. The objective of the DPAC (Data Processing Consortium) is to prepare the analysis of the future data from Gaia.

There are 8 coordination units in the DPAC:
CU1, System Architecture
CU2, Data Simulations
CU3, Core Processing
CU4, Object Processing
CU5, Photometric Processing;
CU6, Spectroscopic Processing
CU7, Variability Processing
CU8, Astrophysical Parameters

The Portuguese participation in the DPAC will be on CU1, CU2, CU5, CU7, CU8.

Specifically UNINOVA will participate on CU7 providing non-supervised algorithms for the variability studies, as well as required implementations in Java.

Research Areas
  • Knowledge Discovery
  • Data Mining
  • Software Engineering


Apoio FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito da Unidade de Investigação CTS - Centro de Tecnologia e Sistemas, referência UIDB/00066/2020