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Duration: 18 months
Status: Concluded
Project Contact:
António Falcão

SEISOP - Space Environment Information System for Operations - Past Research Projects
Project Summary
Extending on the knowledge of the SEIS research project originally developed with Uninova as prime (link) and running at ESA / ESOC for several years, the SEISOP project aims to be an operational version with multi-mission support, while maintaining the successfully demonstrated metadata driven system design.

As a decission support system for Spacecraft Operators with data acquisition and consolidation of spacecraft and space weather data, providing near realtime information display on monitoring tools, as well as reporting and analysis tools. Forecasting and knowledge extraction are also contemplated with this system.

SEISOP intends to support multiple missions and types, including Space exploration and observations missions, Earth observation, and Navigation and Telecom missions. User groups include Flight Control Teams, Lancher Teams, Scientists and Spacecraft designers.

Uninova's responsibility on this version of the project are the Data Processing Module, which includes a set of services and tools for performing Extraction, Transformation and Loading of heterogeneous text based data from international data repositories and internal mission data repositories.

Supporting graphical user interfaces include a tool for the definition and status monitoring of the various data sources, and a tool for visually defining the file format and extraction and transformation workflow. Also, we are further developing the Monitoring Tool (MT) and Reporting and Analysis Tool (RAT) desktop applications.

The MT is a multi-user tool for mission controllers providing a customizable and flexible interface for near-realtime monitoring of spacecraft and spaceweather data. The RAT is an advanced reporting and analysis tool with access to the full repository of current and historical data that allows the creation of customized reports or that can be based on templates defined by the user.
Research Areas
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Data Warehousing
  • On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)
  • Knowledge Based Systems

Apoio FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito da Unidade de Investigação CTS - Centro de Tecnologia e Sistemas, referência UIDB/00066/2020