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Duration: 1 year + 1 year maintenance
Status: Concluded
Project Contact:

Scientific Advisors:
João Moura Pires, João Paulo Pimentão.

SESS - Space Environment Support System for Telecom and Navigation Missions - Past Research Projects
Project Summary
The design of any system demands consideration of the environment in which it must operate, to ensure proper system function, reliability and lifetime. Space Systems are not an exception. For the present project, the ‘space environment affecting Nav/Tel mission’ to be considered is that of Near- Earth environment from the orbit range of LEO to GEO including all the inclinations.

The main goal of the SESS project is to provide Telecom and Navigation Mission operators, project teams, development engineers and scientists with a completely operational prototype capable of supplying, in a structured manner, information on the space environment and its effects on the spacecraft.

Although conceptually SESS shall be applicable for Telecom/Navigation missions in general, the system shall be implemented as a testbed in the forthcoming Galileo programme, where currently two spacecraft are foreseen as case studies: GIOVE A and GIOVE B.

Research Areas
  • Data Warehousing
  • On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)
  • Knowledge Based Systems


Apoio FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito da Unidade de Investigação CTS - Centro de Tecnologia e Sistemas, referência UIDB/00066/2020