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Duration: 12 months
Status: Ongoing
Project Contact:
António Falcão



VA-4D - Visual Analysis of 4-Dimensional Fields, Processes & Dynamics- Current Research Projects
Project Summary
"Design a conceptual model for an intelligent Visual Analysis tool for large datasets of 4-Dimensional fields."

Analysis of 5 scenarios from distinct domains.Two-step approach for system specification and system validation, with strong user involvement in requirements definition.

The main goal of this project is to build a conceptual model for an intelligent Visual Analysis framework for large 4-Dimensional fields, processes and dynamics. The framework is aimed as a decision support system targeting different users and contexts, as well as a collaborative platform for data exploration and research.

Five demonstration scenarios will be acting as a source of requirements, conceptual abstractions, and also as demonstrators. The tool design will support, in a user-friendly visual way, the exploration of complex (including uncertainty in data) and/or large data sets in different formats from standard 2D (slices), 3D (volume rendering) and 4D (volume analysis along time) to geometrically transformed displays, dense pixel displays, etc.

We have implicitly included different levels of stakeholders at the various stages of the project.

Research Areas
  • Visual Analytics
  • Software Engineering


Apoio FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito da Unidade de Investigação CTS - Centro de Tecnologia e Sistemas, referência UIDB/00066/2020